Data security is of the utmost importance to Bchex. As a Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA), we are steadfast
in our adherence to standards and laws related to data security. All procedures and practices follow
strict data security protocols.
Bchex follows all applicable laws for dissemination of information. Information accessed within our office is limited to
those employees who need access in order to carry out their job responsibilities. All electronic documents associated
with your account are stored in password-protected systems behind industry standard firewalls along with other security
controls. Any non-electronic documentation, printouts or reports related to your account including applicant data are
shredded and recycled on-site by an industrial security and document destruction firm. Access to offices is monitored, controlled and secured.
Our systems are configured with data encryption using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and up to 128 bit encryption
technologies to enhance security when you visit secured areas of our website. SSL is the standard tool for protecting
and maintaining the security of message transmissions over the Internet. When you access your accounts or send information
from secured pages, encryption will scramble your data into an unreadable format to reduce the chance of unauthorized access by others.